Friday, April 22, 2011

Lifetime Movie Network...the forbidden channel

Perry is a pretty laid back kind of guy. There are not many things he does not let me do (...with out stating the obvious of within church standards...) Anyways, one thing that has ALWAYS bothered him is "Lifetime Movie Network" And can I just add that I absolutely LOVE this channel. The movies captivate me within seconds... Back to my post--Perry says he does not like it because most of the movies are about scandals, love affairs, and crazy stalkers. Granted, he does have a valid point...there are a lot of love stories and mysteries. Neither of our families are against this channel...just Perry. Sometimes when I go to visit his mom we will sneak and watch soap operas or LMN (...he doesn't like for me to watch soaps either..) It is almost like a guilty pleasure for me. Well no, it IS a guilty pleasure. 

Today was such a dreary day. My sweet little muffins took a long morning nap and there was nothing good on TV. I had no motivation to get off the couch and out of my PJs whatsoever. As I was flipping through the TV guide, I passed over my beloved LMN. I thought to myself maybe I can fill my LMN void just by reading the info of the movie playing....not enough. I clicked enter. And 3 hours and two movies later there was no turning back. Perry was due to be home within 20 minutes of the ending of the last movie I was watching. I couldn't just turn it off...I mean geeze, Did she ever get off the island and away from her insane husband? I had to know...--of course just as P walked in and looked at the TV (probably because he didn't hear "hot dog hot dog hot diggity dog" from the Mickey Mouse Club blaring) the small LMN logo popped up on the bottom of the screen. I was caught red handed. HAHA! Luckily, my scolding was not too bad and he just rolled his eyes and said, "Really Amy?" ...normally I do not watch it anymore but today was just one of those days where I couldn't pass up a good LMN in my PJs and have some "Amy" time.....

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